HOW TO Tighten and Smooth Your Neck LINES?


  • Use Retinol for Neck Firming - Retin-A (or retinoic acid) is a vitamin that helps speed up cell turnover and increases collagen production. It is FDA-approved for treatment and prevention of wrinkles and has decades of science backing its effectiveness. The neck is a sensitive area, it's best to start with a small amount or lower concentration and increase as you build up a tolerance.

  • Apply Products Upwards to Reduce Sagging Skin - the skin on your neck is a little bit thinner than your face, and the muscle and skin tissue (are) weaker, for this reason, you'll want to use gentle pressure when applying your neck products, as tugging might lead to signs of aging more quickly. To try to avoid sagging and loosening neck skin, always move in upward strokes along your neck.

  • Try Neck Patches to Add Lift - Whether it's for acne or blackheads, beauty patches come in all forms, and they're loved in the beauty world for their quick results, ease of use, and versatility in being able to wear multiple at the same time. If you've been busy building your collection of turtlenecks, consider incorporating neck patches into your skin routine.

  • Apply a Sunscreen Consistently - the fact that your neck and face are in very close proximity means things like sun damage and other issues relating to damage from environmental elements affect your face and neck pretty much simultaneously. Adequate sun protection with a mineral-based sunblock and a retinoid nightly will leave much better results, as they are not only improving their skin quality but preventing the loss of collagen, which is harder to fix as you get older.

  • Do Face Yoga - Neck Exercises to Encourage Tightness - doing the facial exercises regularly encourage neck tightness, lifting, and volume

  • Incorporate a Facial Roller to Boost Lymphatic Drainage - try incorporating a face roller into your skincare routine. It has the same benefits of a facial massage and is touted as being a powerful anti-aging tool that encourages lymphatic drainage, increases blood flow, and reduces the appearance of puffiness. The neck is made up of many lymph nodes, so you may want to lend this area a helping hand when it comes to lymphatic drainage. Enter facial rollers, which are meant to help with eliminating toxins and thus promoting an even, smooth surface. 


DOs and DONT’s - face yoga
