Why should you join Beginner’s and Advanced face yoga structured programs?

It’s not only about good quality face exercise, it’s about gathering those exercises into a well structured course, workout, in order to achieve amazing results - the same as body workouts.

All of the facial muscles are interconnected, therefore affect each other. They are connected to the cranial and neck muscles. Any imbalance in that region will affect your face. Face muscles don’t only affect the other muscles, but also lymphatic system, fascia, skin, facial fat pads, nervous system, blood flow. Doing couple of exercises here and there won’t get you those amazing results.

Here are the main reasons you should follow a structured routine:

  1. Quality program starts with the activation of biggest and heaviest muscles - neck, cranial, masticatory muscles. Those muscles due to our posture and stressful lifestyle tend to be tense. When they get tense, they shrink and bulk up and bother other weaker muscles to work properly. Release the tension in those muscles in order to create space for weaker muscle groups. This release will result in better blood flow and lymph activation. For example, if you have a puffy face, especially around your eyes, you shouldn’t jump into the exercises to work the eye area, instead make sure your cranial and masticatory muscles are relaxed because those are responsible for proper lymph flow.

  2. Face course should consist of the exercises for every part of the face - with connection between all of the muscles, activating every single part. If you don’t activate all of your muscles you might notice facial assymetry and not gain wanted results.

  3. Consistency - following a structured program will not give you results over night. Be consistent and patient to give time for muscles to activate and exercise properly, to gain muscle memory. Once you achieve this, you can start focusing on areas of your concern.

  4. When you do a quality face yoga program, you don’t need 100 exercises and no more than 10min per day. Simple and good exercises will get you wanted results.

  5. Easy to follow - the point of the structured face yoga course is to be intense, short and easy to follow. Activate step by step all of your facial muscles in only 10min per day and achieve amazing results


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