The use of semi-precious stones FOR meditation and yoga

Semi-precious stones are naturally occurring minerals and crystals that are exceptional in rarity, beauty, and application. When meditating or practicing yoga, crystals can help in a number of ways; they can be physically placed on a yoga mat, held in the palm of the hand, worn as jewelry, used as face yoga massage tool, you can be surrounded by them in a meditation space or in the space you are in. The best way to choose these magic crystals is simple attraction. When you visit a crystal store, it is best to choose the one that most appeals to you. In most cases, we attract the crystal that we need for some reason at a certain stage of life. When the crystals leave us, that is, when we lose or break them, we no longer need them in life and it is time for new energies and changes. Some of the most affordable minerals and their purpose:


Mysterious blue-gray color, celestite is a crystal of peace. Peace that inspires very deep relaxation, so it is good to use in yin yoga at night or when meditating before bed to sleep better. A crystal that refreshes, relieves worries, anxiety and insomnia. If we are in a period of life filled with drama, restlessness, or if we are full of worries, celestite will help calm burning emotions. Outside of the yoga mat, this crystal is best placed next to the bed in the bedroom for better sleep, in the office to relax in stressful situations, or in any room where we feel restless.

Rose quartz

Light pink in color, rose quartz is one of the most popular and widely used crystals. A crystal of love of all relationships, family, friends, love and above all self love. We need a rose quartz if we are in difficult love problems with our partner, family fights or if we have closed our hearts and lost hope in love. With rose quartz we can find true love for ourselves and faith that life takes us where we belong. It helps us to strengthen understanding, develop empathy and allow forgiveness, and gradually let go of guilt. During meditation we can bring the rose quartz closer to the heart, close our eyes and repeat the mantra of the anahata chakra, "I LOVE".


The most frequent is green, jade is a crystal of happiness, harmony, success and abundance. It is excellent for designing and implementing plans, reaching goals, and manifesting whatever we are currently working on or creating in life. It is good to have it close by while writing wishes and plans and to use it in the meditation aimed at their realization. A crystal of well-being that infects us with positivity and happiness just by contact. Jade is a spiritual crystal that helps us find ourselves in moments when we feel small and lost in life.

Blue Calcite

This crystal is a very good remedy for any type of anxiety, an antidote for panic attacks, fear and worries. It has been proven to calm the nervous system, help us find faith in life, heal us when we are sick and just make us feel better. When we don't feel like practicing yoga, it's good to start with a light meditation with blue calcite that will calm us down and help us move the body.


One of the most popular semi-precious stones, amethyst is a healing crystal. Purifies negative thoughts, helps with internal blockages and physical injuries. Amethyst is a catalyst for healing, so it's good to have her around in any situation. Apart from having it in the house, it is good to wear it as jewelry or keep it in your pocket or purse.

Rock crystal (pure quartz)

This crystal represents everything new that we want to achieve in life. At the first touch of this crystal, the need to carry out new experiences, intentions and plans arises, and miraculously helps us in their realization. If we feel the need to clear the energy of other crystals, pure quartz is an excellent energy purifier of other semi-precious stones. By meditating with pure quartz we will feel fresh and ready to face new challenges and implement the desired plans.


Selenite has a slightly different texture than other crystals. With this softer and more delicate semi-precious stone we must be very careful. Although sensitive, this crystal is extremely energetic and stimulates light and raises the atmosphere in the space in which we find ourselves, so it is good to place it in places where we resist being or having with us in stressful situations. Selenita helps us to communicate clearly, tell the truth and be honest.


This yellow crystal, called the sun stone, is the warmest semi-precious stone. Citrine fills us with energy and creativity, grounding and inspiring us. It is good to have it with you during morning exercise or meditation, especially in the morning when we don't want to get out of bed and when our energy level is very low. A crystal that brings happiness, harmony and warmth. If we feel blocked, we can't finish the project we started, citirino pushes us forward to finish what we set out to do.


This strong crystal helps us with difficult emotions. If we feel sadness, pain, depression, serious illness or similar strong emotions, this crystal will help us to overcome deep negative situations. When we are carrying a heavy load or going through a difficult period, it is good to surround yourself with this powerful crystal.

Pyrite (fake gold)

Pyrite, called fake gold, has extremely strong energy to attract material abundance. A crystal that helps us to concentrate and focus on achieving the goal to achieve material wealth in the fastest and most efficient way possible, because our attention is focused exclusively on the goal. It favors the flow of ideas and the realization of one's own potentialities.


This greenish semi-precious stone is excellent for starting a new crystal collection. Aventurine is a crystal of opportunity. Release old routines, habits, and disappointments to create room for growth. It motivates and builds self-confidence so that we can seize new opportunities and embark on new adventures. Aventurine is a powerful tool to calm anger and restore the natural state of happiness. When we are angry or stressed, it is enough to take aventurine in the palm of the hand and direct the negative energy and let the crystal absorb our worries.


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